(Sep) Prof. Jung was invited to present at Finance Seminar on Yonsei school of Business. | (9월) 정광민 교수님, 연세대학교 금융 세미나에 초청되어 발표함. |
(Sep) Yujin Kim enrolled in the Master’s program. | (9월) 김유진 학생, 석사과정으로 연구실 입학. |
(Aug) Prof. Jung was invited as a moderator at Korea Fintech Week 2024. (link) | (8월) 정광민 교수님, 코리아 핀테크 위크 2024에 좌장으로 초청 참석. (링크) |
(Aug) Prof. Jung was invited to present at the 2024 International Symposium on Emerging Risks and Quantitative Management. | (8월) 정광민 교수님, International Symposium on Emerging Risks and Quantitative Management에 초청되어 발표함. |
(Aug) Jongbin Yoon graduated from the Master’s program. | (8월) 윤종빈 석사, 석사과정 졸업. |
(Aug) Prof. Jung and Jaehun Cho attend and presented at the ARIA annual meeting. | (8월) 정광민 교수님과 조재훈 박사과정, ARIA 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
(Aug) Jongbin Yoon attended and presented at the APRIA annual meeting. | (8월) 윤종빈 석사과정, APRIA 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
(Jul) Prof. Jung attend and presented at the IME international congress. | (7월) 정광민 교수님, IME 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
(Jul) Jongbin Yoon was selected as a Kyobo Life Scholarship Recipient. | (7월) 윤종빈 석사과정, 교보생명 장학생으로 선발. |
(Jul) Prof. Jung attended the Insurance Policy Forum as a discussant. | (7월) 정광민 교수님, 보험정책포럼 토론자로 참석. |
(Jul) Prof. Jung, “Optimism Bias and its Impact on Cyber Risk Management Decisions” Published in Risk Sciences. (link) | (7월) 정광민 교수님, “Optimism Bias and its Impact on Cyber Risk Management Decisions”가 Risk Sciences 저널에 게재승인. (링크) |
(Jun) Jongbin Yoon presented his Master’s thesis. | (6월) 윤종빈 석사과정, 졸업논문 발표. |
(Jun) Prof. Jung was invited as a moderator at the Korea International Insurance Conference (KIIC). (link) | (6월) 정광민 교수님, 글로벌 보험 컨퍼런스(KIIC, Korea International Insurance Conference) 패널토론 좌장으로 초청되어 참석함. (링크) |
(May) Prof. Jung and Chanjin Kim, “The effect of corporate risk management on cyber risk mitigation: Evidence from the insurance industry” Published in The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice. (link) | (5월) 정광민 교수님과 김찬진 석사, “The effect of corporate risk management on cyber risk mitigation: Evidence from the insurance industry”가 The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice 저널에 게재승인. (링크) |
(Mar) Jaehun Cho was selected as a Daesan Insurance Scholarship Recipient. (link) | (3월) 조재훈 박사과정, 대산보험장학생으로 선발. (링크) |
(Mar) Prof. Jung is appointed as an Outside Director at Carrot General Insurance Co., Ltd. | (3월) 정광민 교수님, 캐롯손해보험(주) 사외이사로 선임. |
(Mar) Prof. Jung presented “Current Status of digital financial markets and Strategies for Global Market Entry” at the 2024 Financial Innovation Forum. (link) | (3월) 정광민 교수님, 2024 금융혁신포럼에서 ‘디지털 금융시장 현황과 글로벌 시장 진출 전략’이라는 주제로 발표. (링크) |
(Feb) AIRM members attended KIAS Winter Academic Conference / Jaehun Cho and Jongbin Yoon presented. | (2월) AIRM 연구실, 한국보험학회 동계학술대회에 참석 / 조재훈 박사과정과 윤종빈 석사과정 발표. |
(Feb) Prof. Jung and Seungjoon Lee, “Tropical cyclone risk assessment reflecting the climate change trend: the case of South Korea” Published in Natural Hazards. (link) | (2월) 정광민 교수님과 이승준 석사, “Tropical cyclone risk assessment reflecting the climate change trend: the case of South Korea”가 Natural Hazards 저널에 게재승인. (링크) |
(Jan) London International Seminar organized by AIRM Labs, co-hosted by POSTECH. (link) | (1월) AIRM 연구실 주관으로 런던국제세미나를 포스텍-삼성화재 공동주최. (링크) |
(Nov) Prof. Jung attended the Global Insurance Symposium as a panel discussion moderator. (link) | (11월) 정광민 교수님, 국제보험산업 심포지엄에 패널토론 좌장 초청 참석. (링크) |
(Nov) Commencement of the ‘Overseas Advanced Insurance Market Tour and International Seminar Project for Nurturing Insurance Talent’ | (11월) 보험인재 양성을 위한 해외 선진 보험시장 견학 및 국제세미나 프로젝트 시작. |
(Oct) Prof. Jung presented at the 2023 Surety Industry Academic Conference. (link) | (10월) 정광민 교수님, 2023 보증산업 학술대회 주제발표. (링크) |
(Oct) Prof. Jung attended an international seminar on cyber risk management and activation of the insurance market. (link) | (10월) 정광민 교수님, 사이버 위험관리 및 보험시장 활성화를 위한 국제 세미나 주제발표. (링크) |
(Sep) Prof. Jung and Seungjoon Lee, “Heterogeneity in cyber risks with the U.S. cases: An application of the Lee and Carter model” Published in The Journal of Risk Management. (link) | (9월) 정광민 교수님과 이승준 석사, “미국 사례를 통한 사이버 위험의 이질성 연구: Lee-Carter 모델을 기반으로”가 리스크관리연구 저널에 게재승인. (링크) |
(Sep) Keywoong Bae enrolled in the Master’s program | (9월) 배기웅 학생, 석사과정으로 연구실에 입학. |
(Sep) Prof. Jung attended the panel discussion at the Korea Insurance Research Institute seminar. (link) | (9월) 정광민 교수님, 보험연구원 세미나 패널토론 참석. (링크) |
(Aug) Chanjin Kim graduated from the marster’s program and employed in Fn Pricing | (8월) 김찬진 석사과정, 졸업 및 애프엔자산평가 취업. |
(Aug) AIRM Lab attended KIAS & KRMS Summer Joint Academic Conference / Prof. Jung and Jaehun Cho presented. | (8월) AIRM 연구실, 한국보험학회 하계연합학술대회에 참석 / 정광민 교수님, 조재훈 박사과정 발표 |
(Aug) Prof. Jung and Chanjin Kim attended and presented at the ARIA annual meeting. | (8월) 정광민 교수님과 김찬진 석사과정, ARIA 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
(Aug) Prof. Jung, Jaehun Cho, and Chanjin Kim attended and presented at the APRIA annual meeting. | (8월) 정광민 교수님, 조재훈 박사과정, 김찬진 석사과정, APRIA 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
(Aug) Prof. Jung and Jaehun Cho attended and presented at the IME congress. | (7월) 정광민 교수님과 조재훈 박사과정, IME 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
(Jul) Co-hosting the 2nd National University Student Data-driven Risk Management Idea Competition | (7월) AIRM 연구실, 제2회 전국 대학(원)생 데이터기반 리스크 관리 아이디어 경진대회 공동주최. |
(Jul) “Optimal Reinsurance for Cyber Risk Transfer” selected as a research project supported by the Insurance Studies Research Support. (link) | (7월) “사이버리스크 전가 기제로서의 최적 재보험 전략” 대산신용호장학재단의 보험학 지원 연구과제로 선정. (링크) |
(Jun) Jaehun Cho, Chanjin Kim, and Jongbin Yoon awarded a Recognize prize at the 2023 Disaster Safety Data Hackathon Competition | (6월) 조재훈 박사과정, 김찬진 석사과정, 윤종빈 석사과정, 2023 재난안전데이터 해커톤 대회 장려상 수상. |
(Jun) Chanjin Kim presented his Master’s thesis presentation | (6월) 김찬진 석사과정, 졸업논문 발표. |
(May) [Korea Insurance Development Institute] progress “Applications of the KIDI-ESG Pro to foreign currencies” | (5월) ‘KIDI-ESG Pro 해외통화 모형 발전 연구(보험개발원)’ 프로젝트 진행. |
(Apr) Prof. Jung attended the 16th Asia Insurance Forum panel discussion. (link) | (4월) 정광민 교수님, 제 16회 아시아 보험포험 패널토론 참석. (링크) |
(Feb) Prof. Jung presented a paper at a joint symposium for the Korea Insurance Research Institute and insurance scholars. (link) | (2월) 정광민 교수님, 보험연구원 및 보험학자 공동 토론회서 논문 발표. (링크) |
(Feb) Prof. Jung and Chanjin Kim attended at KIAS Winter Academic Conference. | (2월) 정광민 교수님과 김찬진 석사과정, 동계 보험학회에 참석. |
(Feb) Prof. Jung contributes articles to the Maeil Business Newspaper. (link) | (2월) 정광민 교수님, 매일경제 기고. (링크) |
(Feb) Yejin Kim enrolled in the Master’s program | (2월) 김예진 학생, 석사과정 입학. |
(Feb) Seungjoon Lee graduated from the Master’s program and employed in Hana Institute of Technology | (2월) 이승준 석사과정, 졸업 및 하나금융융합기술원 취업. |
Chanjin Kim enrolled in the Master’s program (2021.09) | 김찬진 석사과정 입학 (2021.09) |
[Financial Services Commission] ‘Research on Development Strategies for Region-Specific Financial Industries in South Korea’ (2021.08) | [금융위원회] ‘대한민국 지역특화 금융산업 발전방안 연구’ (2021.08) |
(Aug) Prof. Jung attended and presented at EGRIE conference. | (8월) 정광민 교수님, EGRIE 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
(Aug) Prof. Jung attended and presented at ARIA annual meeting. | (8월) 정광민 교수님, ARIA 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
[Korean Insurance Academic Society] ‘Leading Research Project: Climate Change Loss Prediction Using Typhoon Data: Machine Learning Applications’ (2021.08) | [한국보험학회] ‘선도연구과제: 태풍 데이터를 이용한 기후변화 손실예측: 머신러닝 응용’ (2021.08) |
(Aug) Prof. Jung attended at GFFC forum. | (8월) 정광민 교수님, GFFC 포럼에 참석. |
(Jul) Prof. Jung attended and presented at IME congress. | (8월) 정광민 교수님, IME 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
(Jul) Prof. Jung attended and presented at APRIA annual meeting. | (7월) 정광민 교수님, APRIA 학회에 참석하여 논문 발표. |
“Analysis of the Financial Impact of Cyber Risk Incidents and Personal Information Leakage Risks Through U.S. Cases and Implications for the Domestic Insurance Industry” Published in the Korean Journal of Insurnace (2021.07) | “미국 사례를 통한 사이버 위험 발생 양상 및 개인정보 유출 위험의 재정적 영향 분석과 국내 보험산업에의 시사점” 한국보험학회지 게재 (2021.07) |
“Extreme Data Breach Losses: An Alternative Approach to Estimating Probable Maximum Loss for Data Breach Risk” Published in the North American Actuarial Journal (2021.06) | “Extreme data breach losses: An alternative approach to estimating probable maximum loss for data breach risk” North American Actuarial Journal 게재 (2021.06) |
[Korea Insurance Research Institute] ‘Digital Transformation in the Financial Industry and Operational Risk: Focused on Banking and Insurance Industries’ (2021.05) | [보험연구원] ‘금융산업의 디지털 전환과 운영리스크: 은행과 보험산업 중심으로’ (2021.05) |
[Hana Bank] Commencement of ‘Digital Operational Risk Classification System and System Implementation’ (2021.05) | [하나은행] ‘디지털 운영리스크 분류체계 및 시스템 구축’ 시작 (2021.05) |
[National Research Foundation of Korea] ‘Financial Engineering Analysis and Development of Loss Estimation Models for New Forms of Operational Risk Due to Digital Transformation in the Financial Industry’ (2021.03) | [한국연구재단] ‘금융산업의 디지털 전환에 따른 새로운 형태의 운영리스크에 대한 금융공학적 분석 및 손실 추정모형의 발전연구 (2021.03) |
Seungjoon Lee enrolled in the Master’s program (2021.03) | 이승준 석사과정 입학 (2021.03) |
(Feb) Prof. Jung attended at KIAS 2021 Winter Academic Conference. | (2월) 정광민 교수님, 한국보험학회 동계학술대회에 참석. |
“Risk Aggregation in Non-life Insurance: Standard Models vs. Internal Models” Published in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (2020.11) | “Risk aggregation in non-life insurance: Standard models vs. internal models” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 게재 (2020.11) |
Jaehun Cho enrolled in the Integrated Program (2020.09) | 조재훈 통합과정 입학 (2020.09) |
Establishment of AIRM Research Lab (2020.09) | AIRM 연구실 설립 (2020.09) |
“Copula Approaches for Modeling Cross-Sectional Dependence of Data Breach Losses” Published in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (2018.09) | “Copula approaches for modeling cross-sectional dependence of data breach losses” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 게재 (2018.09) |